Why I chose Beachbody as my gym

So I wanted to share with you on why Beachbody is “MY” gym. So let us dive right into some of the big items first shall we?
- NO Judgement
- Honestly a judge free zone, it doesn’t get any better!
- Convenient
- Available 24/7/365 anywhere you are, as long as your phone is with you, so is your gym
- All levels of fitness welcome!
- Virtual groups available that you can work with to help with accountability.
When I started Beachbody, my youngest was only months old. I was a mama who had the ability [for years] to go to the local gym on my time whenever I wanted, then I had kids. Now don’t get me wrong, I still could hit the gym with one kid-but there is that mom guilt that kicked in when I dropped him off in the childcare room…and then when our second was born everything as we knew it changed again and became a bit more of a challenge. Her routine wasn’t the same as his, she wasn’t going to let mama be without her-she wanted attachment all the time.
I struggled, hard. I hit the lotto with depression and anxiety after having my last child. I didn’t know how to be me and a mom of two people and juggle all that needed to be done at home and, and, and-the list was long and it was my own making.
So I turned back to what I knew- fitness.
Life is funny, in which, it will always throw at you something to keep you on your game.
My confidence in Beachbody came from the research I chose to do to understand the company a bit better. I learned that they started in 1998 and their goal is simple; “To help you live a healthy, fulfilling life.” Since their start, millions of people have tried and trusted all the programs. The one program that had put Beachbody on the growth track was Tony Horton’s P90X, it launched Beachbody into a blockbuster market! P90X’s fame even launched the company into the White House as one of Michelle Obama’s workouts of choice! In 2007 Beachbody wanted to really share their message and started to launch as a Network Marketing business, sharing their focus on a holistic approach to fitness and weight loss, which is where you are now seeing it more in your social media news feeds than ever before.
This past year, because I loved the programs available to me, joined Beachbody as a coach. I am learning the In’s and outs of networking via social media (love-hate relationship really). But most of all, I feel I have a base on what I can share with everyone. I have this love of fitness that I gained years back with my first introduction into triathlon. It has been the platform of my own happiness and strengths. I have learned that your body will indeed respond well to exercise fueling your own health [mental and physical] and I want to share that with others.
If you are curious about Beachbody, drop me a note or click on the Team Beachbody image at the top. I will be transparent with the information that I know. It may not be for everyone, but it is for me! Come join us!
Love-Health & Happiness