
noun: wanderlust
1. a strong desire to travel.
“a man consumed by wanderlust”
Origin: German early 20th Century
According to Merriam-Webster online (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wanderlust) the definition of Wanderlust is: strong longing for or impulse towards wandering. My wanderlust desire is in full effect…I get this itch, this need to travel and wake up someplace different than here, someplace that is just new. The desire is so deep inside me, it is just part of who I am, I can’t explain it. Anyone else? My hub’s doesn’t understand the desire, how it just takes hold and doesn’t let go, consumes my thoughts, holds tight.
I love to explore, I am even fine if it is just a short trip although it may not soothe that fire as much, but it helps a bit. We have the little tin can camper that we bought a year ago, that little camper was my saving grace, hmm maybe I just found her name! Saving Grace! She was going to allow us/me the ability to explore with the family, I believe that this itch is something my son has too, just deep inside us rooted in our being. That need to see, wake up refreshed someplace different see what the area has to offer. He has always been such a good little road tripper, my daughter I think is more grounded like her Daddy, can be happy as a clam staying home, tinkering around the house/yard she can get lost in herself around the house on mornings when brother is off to 3K.
Wanderlust, never has there been such a magnificent word that can explain that deep desire that burns inside me. The idea of this little camper has me excited, waking up someplace cup of coffee breathing in fresh air and a view that is anything but consistent. The faint smell of the campfire from the night before, a bit of frost to the morning and the sunshine splashed across my face, hugging me, wrapping it’s beautiful warmth around us as we just breathe connected to just ourselves.
I am the person who is excited to leave on the adventure as I like to call them, and I am even excited for our return back to home base. Each trip out and back fills me deeply. It resets me, grounds me. Winters are so long here in the Midwest! It is finally spring (although Mother Nature is not getting that memo fast enough), and my need to wander is set to high today. Am I the only one?
Fingers crossed that my little Saving Grace will help, I think this weekend it will be operation Saving Grace full effect! She needs some TLC as much as my soul does!
Happy Spring everyone!