New Year, New…

Happiest of New Years everyone!
Can you believe it! Here we all are, another new year and another set of resolutions for the year.
Well not this year folks!
I am sure you read that and thought-WHAT? has she lost her mind? It’s tradition friend! Everyone sets them at the start of the new year!
Well, my friends, you are correct, many do! But we also stop them just as fast as we make them. So this year I am just making a commitment to myself, that is it. I am focusing on my “word” for the year and how to evolve my life to encompass the word that I chose for the year. That-is-it.
New year is always fresh and fun, shiny, it has, its own new smell like that new car smell that just wraps you up like a drug, that makes you think that all these giant changes are going to happen and you are going to climb mountains, change the world, er well your own world at least. Now don’t get me wrong, you can do that if that is your jam-but mine this year is a bit more laid back. Focus on my tiny loves-my children who just want the best of me. Find my center, my happy, and relish in those moments!

These two are my best gifts every single year! They make me want to be better in so many ways, and mainly, be more present, more with them. I want unlimited time with them daily on my own schedule that fits in the moments of our lives. I want to eliminate the stress in our home. I want us to be more centered in our daily lives and with each other. May this year be our year to be balanced, filled with love and just complete HAPPINESS.
Watch for more to come this year!