Before the Chaos

Before the Chaos of the day…
Ah- the best mornings are those that start with taking some quiet time for myself, as a mama to two little humans, working part time outside the home, a husband in the early stages of a chronic illness diagnoses, there just doesn’t seem to be time to just sit, quietly, breathe and just be. I have been reading a book that I have found such a connection to; Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. She has reached deeply into my being and has taught me so much in the past two weeks. I have been working hard at finding peace in the chaos, her insight (in my humble opinion) has helped guide me. I am excited to dive into her other books that I have invested in to see what more I will gain, what strength I can tap into that is inside myself.
In our bedroom, I created a corner, it has a small rocking chair, a lamp and table all tucked next the dresser. From this space I can sit, my favorite comforting blanket on my lap, and a cup of tea or coffee. I can watch the sunrise in the mornings or in the evenings I can look out into the backyard and watch the kids and hubby. It’s like a healing spot, a small area just for me to “just be”. No judgements, no stress, just a nice relaxing moment – peaceful.
I highly encourage you to find a spot for you, make you priority, without you mama’s the family ship doesn’t sail. We are the rocks in our tiny human’s foundations that they stand upon. We are the rocks that help our spouses stand up when they need rest or support. We are the rocks, just as they are ours.
Much love-