Fit Mama Nation

Mama’s let’s do this! Let’s start a Fit Mama Nation! Or should we call it a revolution? 🤔

Are you wondering what I am talking about? Are you sitting there reading this and saying to yourself, “great another workout pusher! Unsubscribe”

No my friends that is NOT what I mean! Fit Mama’s yes we are fit, we find time to get in a workout, but that isn’t the only thing! Mom’s what I’m talking about is filling our own buckets! Taking care of us, putting on that oxygen mask first before others so WE CAN take care of others! Does it make us selfish? HECK NO! It makes us smart! It helps us step up and be present! Let’s start that FIT Mama Nation!

Fit mama’s are supportive-we can help pick up the pieces of others on the tough days, and that might just be dropping off a cup of coffee!

Fit mama’s are the cheerleaders to the mama tribes! We are the ones who say – “YOU GOT THIS!”

Fit mama’s help other mama’s fill their buckets! Support fitness goals, support getting through the days, support the tough “oh my _______, how do people do this days!”.

Who is in? Follow me! I promise to be better about posting as we start this Nation!


Much love!

Lisa ❤️✌️😀